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H3Africa ELSI RFA Released

Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the release of the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa): Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues (ELSI) Research Program (U01) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). The application receipt date is October 29, 2012 at 5:00 PM at the local time of the applicant organization.

Useful Resources

1. NIH Grants Registration Process: In order to submit an application to the NIH, please ensure that your institution has completed\updated the following registrations here (

2. Presentation about the H3Africa ELSI Program: The H3Africa ELSI Program presentation made at the 2012 Applicant Information Sessions can be found here ( All of the other presentations made at the 2012 Applicant Information Sessions can be found in the agenda section here (

3. H3Africa Social Networking Website: The website can be found here (

4. Questions: Please direct questions about the H3Africa ELSI FOA to Ebony Bookman, the H3Africa ELSI Program Director, or .

Best wishes,

The NIH-H3Africa Team

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Bookmarked by Editorial Team on 21 Jun 2012
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H3 Africa: Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues (ELSI) Research Program

Notice of Intent to Publish Human Heredity and Health in Africa
(H3Africa): Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues (ELSI) Research Program FOA

The NIH Common Fund, in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust, will
shortly be funding the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa)
initiative which was launched in 2010. H3Africa was designed to
facilitate a contemporary research approach to the study of the genomic
and environmental determinants of common diseases in Africa, with the goal
of improving the health of African populations. The goals of H3Africa are
to enhance the necessary genomic expertise among African scientists, and
to establish networks of African investigators by supporting
infrastructure development and research projects to address health
inequities in both communicable and non-communicable diseases that will
eventually lead to health benefits in Africa. More information about the
H3Africa initiative and a white paper with recommendations for the program
can be found at

This is a Notice of intent to publish a new FOA, the H3Africa ELSI
Research Program, which will be issued in late spring/early summer 2012.

The new FOA, RFA-RM-12-005, entitled Human Heredity and Health in Africa
(H3Africa): Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues (ELSI) Research Program
(U01) will be published in late spring/early summer 2012. The purpose of
the FOA entitled H3Africa ELSI Research Program, is to encourage
applications that identify, examine and address the ethical, legal and
societal issues likely to arise from genomic research and technology for
individuals, families, communities and societies throughout the African
continent. It is anticipated that the H3Africa ELSI Research Program will
help to minimize potential harm and maximize capacity of African
communities to partake of the expected benefits of improved prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment of disease that will potentially occur from
genomic research in Africa.

Finally, it is critical that all parties interested in applying for the
H3Africa FOA complete the required registrations now in order to be ready
to submit an application when the FOA is published. The following
registrations must be completed before an application can be submitted to
NIH: Data Universal Numbering System ( DUNS), NATO Commercial and Government
Entity Code (NCAGE Code),
Central Contractor Registration (CCR) , eRA Commons and .

There is no monetary fee
for any of the registrations. Applicants must allow at least 8 weeks for
the completion of all the required registrations. Applicants already
registered should verify that the principal investigator is registered in
eRA Commons and is affiliated with the institution and should ensure that
the institution's CCR registration, which must be renewed every 12 months,
is up to date. Additionally all institutions should ensure that the
Authorized Organization Representative/Signing Official has delegated
signatory authority to several institutional officials in order to assure
access to all required application systems throughout the application
process. Applicants who encounter difficulty during any of the
registrations should contact H3Africa staff immediately at for assistance. After successful completion of all
required registrations applicants should plan to begin the electronic
submission at least one week prior to the deadline in the FOA or if the
application must be submitted on paper must allow adequate time in order
to ship it to the United States to allow it to arrive by the deadline
stated in the FOA. Applicants should be aware of the timelines involved,
late applications WILL NOT be accepted, no exceptions will be made.



Please direct all inquiries to:

Ebony Bookman, Ph.D.
Jean McEwen, Ph.D.
H3Africa Program Staff
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
National Institutes of Health

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Bookmarked by Editorial Team on 6 Jun 2012
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Publish or Perish. Intensive Course on Research and Publishing in the field of Bioethics.

(Leuven, Belgium, 10 -12 October 2012)

The Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law (of KU Leuven) is organising an intensive course on research and publishing in bioethics and medical humanities. Many researchers are struggling to get their work published. The objective of this course it to provide them and anyone interested in publishing in bioethics and the medical humanities with coherent information and support. The course offers all the necessary practical tools to get well-planned research work published.

The course will combine lectures with practical examples. There will be time for discussions. Participants will be invited to present their own research work in progress. The language of instruction will be English.

The course is of interest to participants from diverse professional backgrounds, such as nursing, medicine, philosophy and theology, health care administration, to PhD students undertaking courses of study in these areas and to more senior researchers. Anyone interested in publishing in bioethics and the medical humanities will benefit from this course. This intensive course is part of the Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics programme organised by a consortium of three European universities, namely the KU Leuven (Belgium), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (The Netherlands) and the Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy). Because of this combination, participants of the intensive course will join Master students from all over the world.

The course fee is € 650 if you register and pay as a participant before August 1st 2012, € 750 for registration and payment from August 1st 2012 onwards. This fee includes tuition and course materials, as well as refreshments, three lunches and a dinner. Detailed information on registration and payment can be found at our website under Intensive Courses.

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Bookmarked by Editorial Team on 25 May 2012
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Duties: The successful candidate will develop the structure and management of the current system of research ethics protocol and approval for the University of Botswana, through formulation of policies and strategies where necessary, and documenting guidelines for researchers on how to secure ethical approval for their research at UB in accordance with the Botswana Government research permit system. Another key duty will be to develop a formal accredited training programme for staff, students and other stakeholders on research ethics.

Requirements: (i) Minimum Masters Degree in Bioethics or other relevant field. A doctorate would be an added advantage. (ii) At least three years successful and effective experience in development and administration of research ethics policy, in a University or equivalent organization.

Competencies: Personal integrity that places incumbent above conflict of interest and unethical conduct, high level of discretion in handling confidential information, efficiency in handling committee tasks, strong organisational and administrative skills; self motivated individual who works independently.

Remuneration: The University offers competitive salary and benefits. For more information on the University visit our website at:
Applicants are to address the stated qualifications and, provide other information to assist the University to determine their suitability for the position. They should also quote the vacancy number of the post applied for, provide Current CV’s (including telephone, telefax and e-mail) certified true copies of educational certificates and transcripts as well as three references (including one from the current employer). Complete documentation should be sent to:

The Centre Administrator, Office of Research and Development, Private Bag UB 00708, Gaborone. Telephone (267) 355 2900; Fax (267) 395 7573. Online application forms may be accessed from under “jobs” section. Applicants should inform their referees to: (i) Quote the vacancy number and position applied for and (ii) submit their references directly to the above address, before the stipulated closing date. E-mail:

Hand delivered applications should be submitted to Office No. 150, CCE Block 243/150)

CLOSING DATE: Open until filled

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Bookmarked by pndexas on 16 May 2012
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Ethics of clinical trials outsourcing and conduct in LMICs, with a focus on India.

Clinical trials in India continue to be in the news, unfortunately a fair bit being negative coverage. Over the last few years, there has been continuing outrage on the issue of rising outsourcing of clinical trials to India, with concerns about little benefit or relevance to the public health needs of the country. While this dust has not even settled, allegations of unethical conduct in clinical trials have again brought a focus on the need for regulatory reform and stringent ethical safeguards.

India, as an emerging economy needs to continue to promote a strong culture of research and development, including in the health sector. However, attention needs to be paid to ensuring that stringent quality checks are built in, and that investigators conduct research in an impeccable manner. Failure to do so will dent the credibility of the research enterprise, affecting not just investigators or institutions conducting research, but also those planning to do so.

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Bookmarked by Anant Bhan on 10 May 2012
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